In addition to videos and legal papers, Corrin has published a number of articles on sub stack. These are mainly adapted from his legal filings and break each legal argument down separately. 1. A discussion of the Jacobson case as precedent for Vaccine Mandates "Time to Leave the Horse & Buggy Legal Precedent on Vaccines Behind." 2. The Case for Stricter Scrutiny of Discrimination against the Unvaccinated "Prejudice, Hostility and Scrutiny" 3. A Consideration of the Application of the Nuremberg Code to Covid Law "It's the Coercion Stupid!" Corrin has also been writing a blog for many years on a variety of subjects including the Covid Plandemic: https://theclarioncall.wordpress.com A friend sent me a link to this Conspiracy chart. Here is a pdf version of it: COVIDMAP |